Thursday, November 29, 2018

Micro-Goals Dopamine Positive Feedback Loop


Divide and conquer.

Break up your large major Goal
into tiny little Micro-goals.

Say / Write out the micro-goals.

When you complete each micro-goal,
give yourself Positive reinforcement.
For example, tell yourself Good Job !

Brain increases Dopamine
whenever you complete a micro-goal.

Dopamine is the pleasure reward chemical in the brain,
that makes you feel good.

You create a Positive Feedback Loop
that keeps you going.

If you do Not have micro-goals,
and you just have the large major Goal,
you do not get the frequent shots of dopamine,
and you are more likely to quit.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Self Mastery Part 1



Background / Motivation -- DK ultra Self-Mastery

Brain and Body are connected, and the connections go two-ways. Brain sends signals to the Body. Body sends signals to the Brain. Brain can be used to control the Body. Body can be used to control and influence the Brain.

Brain is NeuroPlastic, and can grow new neurons, upgrade, rewire in a dynamic process. The changes can be quick and dramatic. Brain is not fixed, but can grow and improve and add functionalities. Brain can be reprogrammed. Old programs can be diminished and deleted. New programs, software Apps, can be installed and programmed in.

This is Good news. This is Hope. We are Not Slaves to our past, DNA, current condition, our material body, or the material earthly world. We can upgrade our brains, our bodies, and our lives. Think how powerful the NeuroPlasticity discovery is. This is a scientific fact. Use it.

Brain is a computer. Brain is a living biologic organic computer, with dynamic software and hardware.

Brain is a computer with electrical circuits, circuitry, and circuit boards. The circuit boards are made up of billions of neurons in a 3-dimensional hyper-complex elegant functional network. Neurons are nerve cells, the building blocks of the neural circuit board. Neurons send electrochemical signals to other neurons in the circuit by means of neurotransmitters, like Dopamine, Oxytocin, Adrenaline.

Amazingly, the brain is also a quantum computer. Brain acts as a quantum computer -- a computational machine that makes use of quantum mechanical phenomena to perform complex calculations. Quantum computation occurs in the brain. Quantum mechanical behavior has been proven to exist in other biological systems. Quantum effects have been observed in photosynthesis in green plants. Birds may use quantum mechanics to navigate. Quantum physics discoveries reveal the hyper-complexity and elegance of biological systems, like the human brain.

This hyper-complexity and functional elegance cannot be explained by random natural processes. This ultra-high level of Functional hyper-complexity and elegance could only be created by God. Jesus Christ = Alpha and Omega. ( I would he happy to debate any Atheist in a side conversation. )

The code for the brain's software is contained in our DNA. At conception, the single cell zygote contains the genetic code for the initial OS operating system, Apps applications, and hardware design of the material brain-body (MBB).

As the baby develops and throughout our life cycle, inputs, both internal inputs and external inputs, influence the software and the hardware of the material brain-body (MBB). Because many of these inputs are random and disorganized, with no overarching developmental strategy, the software, OS, Apps, hardware are nonoptimal. Some of the software and hardware become corrupted with irrelevant items and malicious computer virus codes -- most unintentionally inputted as we live life -- some intentionally installed by external agencies to serve their selfish purposes, not to benefit us, for example, fast food advertising.

All of the inputs that we experience throughout our life cycle influence the software and hardware of our material brain-body (MBB). But we do not have conscious awareness or control over many of these inputs, especially while we are children. Therefore, many of the electrochemical signals that we experience are not reliable, and may not accurately reflect what we truly want. Over-eating and cigarette smoking are common examples of counterproductive cravings and bad habits with negative long-term consequences.

Furthermore, the brain is an imperfect electrical system, and can have electrical misfires. Biological systems are not precise electrical instruments, and can send random rogue electrical signals, like a facial twitch, or an extra heart beat.

These electrical signals are real, they are not an illusion. These electrical signals are real physical activities that can be measured with EEG and functional MRI. But these electrical signals have variable levels of validity. Some of the electrical signals have high value, some low value, some positive, some negative, some urgent, some nonurgent. We cannot give every electrical signal equal weight and priority, because the material brain-body (MBB) computer is corrupted. Would you count on a PC computer with corrupted code and computer viruses ?

Here is an example, let's say you just ate a good lunch, then two hours later you are bored and see a billboard for pizza, and then you start to crave pizza, this pizza craving is clearly not based your bodies nutritional needs, it is a real signal, but it is a signal that should be disregarded.

Some of the electrical signals are negative, counterproductive, and self-destructive. This cannot be explained by a Darwinian paradigm which is driven by primal utilitarianism. But the negative electrical signals can be explained by my DK ultra model of the human brain. One important test for a scientific theory is that it has to explain major phenomena. This is one major failure of Darwin's theory. People do random self-destructive stuff all the time.

If we act on all the impulses generated by our material brain-body, we would live a random chaotic disorganized bizarre semi-charmed kinda life. We would be slaves to the electrical impulses from a corrupted computer. Think how stupid our lives would be. The sad thing is -- all of us are slaves, in varying degrees, to our material brain-body and the earthly material world. I am a material girl, living in a material world.

The Good news is -- We all have the power and tools to achieve freedom and self-mastery. We were created in the image of God, and blessed with Free Will. We are blessed with self-awareness and mindfulness, and the power to control and chose our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

These God-given abilities are embryonic when we are babies, and are dominated by our physical material brain-body (MBB). When we are babies our Mind / Soul appears to be fused to our material brain-body. As we grow and develop during childhood and throughout of adult lives, there is increasing separation of our transcendent Mind / Soul from our physical material brain-body (MBB). Our Minds gain greater self-awareness, external situational awareness, and control of our material brain-body (MBB) and our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

But we are on a spectrum. Some adults are enslaved by the negative electrical signals generated by the material brain-body. Many of these people would be diagnosed with addictions and mental illness. Substance abuse is a major risk factor for the corruption of the material brain-body and suppression of the mind.

GAF 100 is an ideal that represents the other end of the spectrum. Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) is well known internationally and widely used for scoring the severity of illness in psychiatry. GAF scale considers psychological, social, and occupational functioning on a hypothetical continuum of mental health-illness. The highest GAF score is 100, which is score for a person that has superior functioning in a wide range of activities, life’s problems never seem to get out of hand, is sought out by others because of his/her many positive qualities. No symptoms. Https://
Very few people could be classified with GAF 100. I have met a few. They are very rare. They're unicorns. ( I'm not one of them. But I think my sister is. )

Most of us are in the middle of the spectrum, we have a reasonable amount of self-awareness and self-control. We go through life taking care of our basic needs, and have okay relationships with our friends and families. But we do not have self-mastery. We are not entirely happy, our lives are just adequate. We indulge our small vices, like chocolate and binge watching Game of Thrones. Sometimes we think that we are in a pointless rat race. We are driven by our random thoughts, feelings, and cravings. We are slaves to the material world. Our lives don't really have one direction. But part of us, knows that we could do better.

Yes We Can ! We can do Better ! We can do it !

But first, we need to address -Why ? Why bother ? If we have an okay job, and okay family and social life, why bother when everything is good.

I have concluded that -- there is really no option. We are on boat going downstream heading toward a waterfall. We have two choices. We can paddle upstream and live, truly live. Or we just cruise, set adrift on memory bliss -- downstream towards the waterfall -- gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream -- then you go off the waterfall and die.

My recommendation -- Don't go chasing waterfalls. The middle zone may be a comfort zone, but it's a danger zone. Complacency is a highway to the danger zone. It's better to take the stairway to heaven. You say, you're good. But good is the enemy of great.

There is scientific support for these song lyrics and famous quotes, Entropy. Entropy is a measure of the disorder, randomness, of a system. Second law of thermodynamics ( law of entropy ) indicates that systems tend to proceed in the direction of increasing disorder, randomness, entropy.

If we do not put energy into a system, the system will decay. If we do not maintain a house, the house falls apart. Applying the concept of entropy to our lives, if we do put positive energy into our lives, we will decay and die. There is no stable neutral state, it is either positive or negative. We either take control and move our lives in a positive direction, or we drift and decay and die.

We all end up dead, it's just a question of how and why. Every man dies, not every man really lives.
What will you do without freedom ?


Next --
DK ultra Self Mastery system


Monday, October 15, 2018


Sunday, September 16, 2018

DK Ultra ~ Book List 09-16-2018


You Are Not Your Brain
Jeffrey M. Schwartz

Upside of Stress
Kelly McGonigal

How the Body Knows Its Mind
Sian Beilock

The Brain's Way of Healing
Norman Doidge

On Combat
Dave Grossman

First, Fast, Fearless 
Brian Hiner

Vanessa Van Edwards

Science of Selling
David Hoffeld

Patrick Renvoise

How to Win Friends & Influence People 
Dale Carnegie

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Dale Carnegie


Bible Gateway;ESV;NKJV;KJV


EOB: The Eastern Greek Orthodox New Testament
Laurent A. Cleenewerck

The Kingdom New Testament
N. T. Wright

The Orthodox Study Bible
St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology

Tree of Life Version TLV Bible
Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society

The Orthodox Church
Timothy Ware


Friday, September 7, 2018

Preliminary Week 2 college football

Preliminary Week 2 college football

Preliminary Week 2 college football

Preliminary Week 2 college football

Week 2

TCU vs SMU -  No bet

* Liberty +10
* Liberty Wins ML

Week 2

TCU vs SMU -  No bet

* Liberty +10
* Liberty Wins ML


UAB - No bet


? USF south florida +3
USF has Bama QB
Georgia Tech has losses at DB


Western Michigan +27.5
-No ML



Week 2 college football
Week 2

TCU vs SMU -  No bet

* Liberty +10
* Liberty Wins ML

Week 2

TCU vs SMU -  No bet

* Liberty +10
* Liberty Wins ML


UAB - No bet
? UAB -9

? Coastal Carolina QB
Kilton Anderson
probable Saturday vs UAB


? USF south florida +3
USF has Bama QB
Georgia Tech has losses at DB


Western Michigan +27.5
-No ML


App State -13.5
First Half App State

App State beat Penn State in the First Half


Eastern Michigan +16.5
E.Michigan has Iowa QB
? MoneyLine


-No bet Wisconsin vs New Mexico


? Air Force +9.5


Florida International FIU
-1  pk


Duke +3


Mississippi State -9
I like Miss State


Mississippi State -9
I like Miss State


-No bet Houston vs Arizona


First Half
Whole Game
I like Vanderbilt
they just need a QB


Georgia State +26


Georgia State +26


First Half Oklahoma


First Half Utah State


First Half Central Michigan



First Half Central Michigan


First Half UNLV
UTEP lost to FCS


No bet - Memphis v Navy

No bet - UNC v E Carolina


First Half Ohio State



First Half Ohio State


Buffalo +5


South Carolina +10



South Carolina +10


No bet - Baylor v UTSA


First Half Alabama

First Half Total Alabama


First Half Colorado


ULM +6.5


Ball State +35



Ball State +35


Iowa State +4


First Half Maryland


U Mass +2


Texas A&M +12.5


First Half Missouri



First Half Missouri


First Half Indiana ?


First Half Florida ?


First Half Utah


Fresno State


First Half Arkansas


Cincinnati Pk


Tulsa +23.5


South Alabama +31.5


Pittsburgh +8


Stanford -5.5


BYU -2.5


First Half Boise St


Michigan State -5.5


First Half San Jose State


First Half Hawaii



Early Games Week 2 college football

Week 2 college football

Week 2

TCU vs SMU -  No bet

* Liberty +10
* Liberty Wins ML

Week 2

TCU vs SMU -  No bet

* Liberty +10
* Liberty Wins ML


UAB - No bet


? USF south florida +3
USF has Bama QB
Georgia Tech has losses at DB


Western Michigan +27.5
-No ML



Week 2 college football
Week 2

TCU vs SMU -  No bet

* Liberty +10
* Liberty Wins ML

Week 2

TCU vs SMU -  No bet

* Liberty +10
* Liberty Wins ML


UAB - No bet
? UAB -9

? Coastal Carolina QB
Kilton Anderson
probable Saturday vs UAB


? USF south florida +3
USF has Bama QB
Georgia Tech has losses at DB


Western Michigan +27.5
-No ML


App State -13.5
First Half App State

App State beat Penn State in the First Half


Eastern Michigan +16.5
E.Michigan has Iowa QB
? MoneyLine


-No bet Wisconsin vs New Mexico


? Air Force +9.5


Florida International FIU
-1  pk


Duke +3


Mississippi State -9
I like Miss State


Mississippi State -9
I like Miss State


-No bet Houston vs Arizona


First Half
Whole Game
I like Vanderbilt
they just need a QB


Georgia State +26


Georgia State +26


First Half Oklahoma


First Half Utah State


First Half Central Michigan



First Half Central Michigan


First Half UNLV
UTEP lost to FCS


No bet - Memphis v Navy

No bet - UNC v E Carolina


First Half Ohio State



First Half Ohio State


Buffalo +5


South Carolina +10



South Carolina +10


No bet - Baylor v UTSA


First Half Alabama

First Half Total Alabama


First Half Colorado


ULM +6.5


Ball State +35


Monday, August 6, 2018

College Football Week One


Week One

good returning QB returning

good RB and WR/TE returning

Coaching changes, DC, OC

Quality of Coach and program

participated in Bowl game and had additional practices

finished strong, with quality wins, covered the spread

injuries, suspensions

Vegas posted lines in May, what happened in the interval

compare Power Rating calculated point spread
FPI  and Bill Connelly

returning starters

recruiting in the last few years
during a period that is relevant to this season

true Home game

returning starters, experience

How can you evaluate physicality / athleticism ?
Bama vs Idaho
there is difference
there are in a different league / level


go through all week one games
And total season win totals for teams
this is a good foundation for research


Week Two

check injuries, suspensions

how did the team do against the spread
perform above or below the point spread
and by how much

variance, deviation, from the point spread
the point spread is based on FPI power index
this is like stocks



New Mexico State Aggies +6.5
Home game for New Mexico State



No bet - Hawaii / Colorado State
No bet - Central Florida / Connecticut


Sunday, January 21, 2018

College Basketball WatchList

College Basketball
WatchList   01-21-2018


These are Unranked teams that have beaten top teams

Next Game = the date of the next game


Road  ATS against the spread
Covering the spread on the Road

Next Game = the date of the next game


UNDERDOG  ATS against the spread
Covering the spread when Underdog

Next Game = the date of the next game




Daily Predictions



Offense PPG


Ken Pom

Pick Monitor


College Basketball
Saturday Data Mining
Multi-Variable Analysis
351 teams
100+ games



Under 150

Over 130

+10 point Underdogs
     Consider MoneyLine

MoneyLine +200+
     Consider point spread 5 to 9.5
     You already looked at +10 point underdogs in Filter 3


Deeper Analysis


Home / Road
Home Court can be a big advantage

SOS strength of schedule
Quality of Wins / Losses

Recent performance / results

Look for Good Road teams

It may be impossible to predict an individual game
You need to diversify, spread it out
MiT Black Jack
Law of averages

2/3/18  St. John's Upsets Duke
              Who can predict that?

Process Control
Biological Systems
Set Point

Other Filters
Unranked teams that beat Ranked teams (BPI)
ATS trends


Use Filters to Narrow the Numbers
from 100+ to Ten good prospects.
Then do Deeper research

January is the best month to start seriously

Rivalries, Head hunting, Conference
Bubble teams
NCAA tournament standings and getting in

Also, Underdogs can get better as the season progresses
more practice, more experience, more chemistry


Major Filters

Filter 1:
Under with a strike point over 150

Filter 2:
Over with a strike point under 130

Filter 3:
Underdogs with more than 10+ point spread

Filter 4:

Moneyline great than +200


Underdogs whole game

MoneyLine Underdogs

UNDER 150+

First Half Home Favorites -3

First Half Over 60


Prefer Home Court

Fear Road


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

*College *Basketball *Unders

> Look at the bottom of this web page for very important links

We're talking about College Basketball



#1 Duke 92.7 points per game

#351 Coppin State 56.4 ppg


Field Goal Percentage

#1 Saint Mary's 52.4 %

#351 Coppin State 33.9 %


Free Throw

#1 William & Mary 81.9 %

#351 Florida International 57.3 %


College Game 40 minutes total

NBA 48 minutes total


There is a huge range in scoring in college basketball:
High 92.7 ppg
Low 56.4 ppg

Thus, the range of totals is approximately 120 to 180.


There are a large number of teams


Many teams are Not good at scoring.

Many players are Not good at scoring.

Many teams and players are inconsistent.

Scoring is volatile.


Scoring in Not guaranteed.

In fact, most teams miss > 50% of their shots.

Not scoring is the natural state.
There is a statistical gravity drawing the score down.


There is a certain amount of random luck to scoring.


The higher the total
the less likely the teams will go over.

Time is a factor.
You just run out of time
and fail to reach the total
if the total is very high.


Teams tend to score less on the road.

For example, Duke scores 97.7 ppg at home.
On the road, Duke scores 87.7 ppg.
10 points less on the road.


College basketball teams play Defense.

For example, Virginia has the #1 Defense
Virginia only allows 53 ppg.

In contrast, NBA teams do Not play defense.


Some college teams play at a slow pace strategically.


Injuries also impact scoring.
You gotta check injuries.

Injuries impact both offense and defense.


Vegas uses season stats to set lines.
Seasonal stats sometimes does Not reflect the current real time power ratings.


Some teams go Under a lot

For example,
UCF Central Florida has gone Under 12-1
UNDER 92.3 % this season


Considering the above stated facts,
I believe that a strategy of
UNDERS in college basketball
is potentially profitable


Look for games totals of 150 and higher

Look at recent scoring, defense,
quality of opponent,
injuries, home, away, etc.

Look for games that will likely go Under


While Unders is a good for College Basketball,
NBA basketball may Not work, because NBA plays No defense.


*College *Basketball *Unders


Today is 01-17-2018









Daily Predictions BPI


Data Mining

There are 351 college basketball teams

Offense   points per game  ppg

Duke is number one
Duke scores 92.7 points per game

#351  Coppin State  56.4

Most college basketball teams are 
in the range of 60 and 90 points per game
60 / 90  is a good rule of thumb 
that is easy to remember
for points per game ( offense )

Defense   points allowed per game

1   Virginia   52.9

351  Citadel  98.6

Most college basketball teams are 
in the range of 60 and 90 points allowed per game
60 / 90  is a good rule of thumb that is easy to remember
for points allowed per game ( defense )

TOTALS = Offense + Defense

Lowest Total
UCF central florida  122
combination of low ppg and good defense
may have slow tempo too

Highest Total
Citadel  181
combination of high ppg and bad defense
may have fast tempo too

Tempo = Possessions per game

Looking at average seasonal game Totals
120 - 180
is an easy range to remember

250 teams have totals of 150 or lower

Remember there are 351 teams 
So 70 percent of teams average 150 or lower

Therefore, 150 is a good strike point

*UNDER 150

^These stats are from 01-16-2018


Tempo = Possessions per game

High Tempo = High possessions per game
possessions are quicker
Pace is faster

When evaluating past performance 
both offense PPG and defense
you have to make adjustments

Adjustments for Tempo 

Adjustments for Opponent
Quality of opponent 
Strength of schedule
Look at both Opponent's Offense and Defense

Sports Forecasting 

When looking ahead to the next game,
you need to project both teams'
offense and defense PPG production
adjusting for Tempo
and quality of opponent

Also, consider, home, road, motivation,
and injuries

For Over/Under
Tempo is an important factor

For covering point spread
Tempo is an important factor

For deciding the winner of the game,
tempo is Less important 

For deciding the winner of the game,
the projected
Points per possession = Efficiency
is the most important variable

Efficiency is the most important factor
in winning the game

So, to win,
teams should Not pursue PPG,
teams should seek Efficiency.

Treat each possession as a precious opportunity

Efficiency = Points per possession 

is the Key to winning

The Question determines the importance of variables



Efficiency Differential = AdjO - AdjD

Adjusted offensive efficiency
An estimate of the offensive efficiency (points scored per 100 possessions) a team would have against the average D-I defense.

Adjusted defensive efficiency 
An estimate of the defensive efficiency (points allowed per 100 possessions) a team would have against the average D-I offense.

Efficiency Differential = AdjO - AdjD

I believe this is strongly correlated with winning

Compare the two teams

Remember, Winning is the question

Not point spread

Not over/under


Efficiency Differential = AdjO - AdjD

Purdue 31
Villanova 31
Virginia 29
Duke 27
Texas Tech 27
Michigan St. 26
Cincinnati 26
Gonzaga 26
North Carolina 24
Kansas 24


Adjusted Tempo 
An estimate of the tempo (possessions per 40 minutes) a team would have against the team that wants to play at an average D-I tempo.

The range is 60 to 80 possessions per 40 minutes